
The twin “books” of life

The physical "book of life," DNA, is only a hint of the book of life which is invisible. There is so much more written we do not see. Jesus showed the visible so that his listeners and observers could know about the invisible. See Mark 2:10; Luke 5:24, and Matthew 9:6...

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What is your purpose in life?

Why are you here? What is the point of life? This is a profound question, maybe the most important question you will ever ask. In a group of about 15 guys playing basketball at the church court one night not long ago I asked this question. Half had not thought about...

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Is Evolution or Creation Scientific and why?

The evolutionist challenge the Creationists, saying “evolution maybe can’t be falsified because it happened over billions of years, but nobody observed God creating life either, so that’s not scientific either.” I like the way Dr. A. E. Wilder-Smith answered this...

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Probability and the prophecies about Jesus

When I researched this, I found many Christian apologists citing the same person’s article, Peter Stoner, and his numbers didn’t have any data driven scientific or historical basis. He would propose the probability someone would be betrayed to his death by a friend as...

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